Riom - a world of crystals and magic
Dee Harrison’s Firelord’s Legacy series is based on the world of Riom, an earth-like planet in orbit around Salix, an aging red sun. Riom has two moons, Talior and Sipis: Talior is closer to Riom and appears larger while Sipis is not visible north of the Robanon mountains. Most of the story takes place on a single continental mass spanning several thousand miles. Environments vary from vast grassy plains to deserts, immense forests to frozen wastes. Animals are somewhat similar to our own and so have been called by familiar names. Some like the Sil, majestic deer-like creatures, or the fer-cats, large sentient felines, have no Terran equivalent.
The inhabitants of Riom appear similar to humans but with some differences. Most obvious is their ability to manipulate the planet’s energy flows, often enhanced by the use of crystal technology. These abilities, known as maisterie, or mastery, are hereditary and viewed by those not in possession of them as magical. Some powers of maisterie are considered to be active, others passive. A particular colour, or aura, is associated with each of the primes: red/coercion; amber/healing; purple/foresight; blue/defence; green/shapeshifting and indigo/weather-working. A few very rare people have a platinum aura indicating they possess a little of all the primes. There are also very many secondary talents, such as finding and far-viewing. Those people possessing maisterie are called runecasters, a reference to the words, or spells, that are chanted as they work. However, the words serve only to focus mental pathways and are not, of themselves, magical. A group of runecasters comprising all six primes is known as a ‘crown’.
The story included here can be viewed as a prologue to The Firelord’s Legacy and takes place a few weeks before the beginning of The Firelord’s Crown. It introduces several of the primary characters and shows the led-up to some of the main focal points of the series.
After a devastating misuse of magic the world of Riom shifts on its axis, initiating another Ice Age. Two thousand years pass before Tamilin, Master Healer and Seer, uncovers this truth. He learns that the only chance of saving his world from unrelenting winter is to reforge the Firelord’s Crown, the powerful artefact that was instrumental in the original magical battle.
But the circlet was divided up amongst six companions who took ship and headed for safety when their homeland was destroyed. During the voyage one of the ships vanished but the segment her captain guarded will be needed to complete the Crown. Tamilin believes that it may lie far in the uncharted north and dispatches an expedition in search of it...