Pretty Waste

Welcome to the New Year on Manhattan's Upper East Side, where talk might be cheap (though nothing else is), scheming and manipulation are second nature, intentions are never pure as driven snow, and not even the shrinks can be trusted.
None of the names have been changed, because no one is innocent.
You'll have to look hard to find redeeming qualities in what is surely a bleak cast of characters, and we'll start with the conception of a clever ruse and a chameleon call girl lacking both sleep (of the restful variety) and original thought (that comes from her adoptive madam mother).
A parasomnia disorder and a surprising client introduce our escort to a psychiatrist neither caring nor empathetic, but he cleans up well and is an accomplished actor (not unlike his nemesis, Madam Miranda Crosland). Can he work out the kinks in this twisted web of secrets, cons, and lies? Without a doubt. The real question might be can he be bothered to do so. Listening to tragic backstories isn't high on his list of entertainment, but then watching master plans explode in faces is a pastime Dr. Carrington enjoys.
Choosing a side is difficult when most everyone involved is morally bankrupt. It's going to be a wicked winter.
None of the names have been changed, because no one is innocent.
You'll have to look hard to find redeeming qualities in what is surely a bleak cast of characters, and we'll start with the conception of a clever ruse and a chameleon call girl lacking both sleep (of the restful variety) and original thought (that comes from her adoptive madam mother).
A parasomnia disorder and a surprising client introduce our escort to a psychiatrist neither caring nor empathetic, but he cleans up well and is an accomplished actor (not unlike his nemesis, Madam Miranda Crosland). Can he work out the kinks in this twisted web of secrets, cons, and lies? Without a doubt. The real question might be can he be bothered to do so. Listening to tragic backstories isn't high on his list of entertainment, but then watching master plans explode in faces is a pastime Dr. Carrington enjoys.
Choosing a side is difficult when most everyone involved is morally bankrupt. It's going to be a wicked winter.