The Zimm Industries "Z-pack" allows a short window of communication with the dead. Properly applied, Dr. Zimm's concoction allows the technicians of Zimm Industries to interview (deceased) victims of violent crime. One such technician, Matt Freeman, is busily plying his trade, along with his partner, when he gets drawn into the investigation of a series of terrorist attacks. At least, until Matt himself comes across an unexploded bomb at one of the scenes... and finds out there's another side to Dr. Zimm's Elixir.
*The cover of this book says, "Not your average zombie story." That's because many of the best zombie stories are very prone to fall into one of a few themes and settings. So much so that I want to make this disclaimer, so folks who buy this one aren't expecting something very similar to the standard for the genre. This is not a post-apocalyptic, "Hordes of zombies! Whack 'em in the head!" story. And I didn't put it in the "Horror" genre, or the "Post-Apocalypse" genre (although Amazon sometimes adds genre categories after the fact, so you may or may not see it there now.) for that reason. While I am a big fan of the best books in those genres, it's not what I have written here, and I want to make that clear to readers who are looking for that kind of story. I don't want anyone to be disappointed because they expect zombie stories to follow that well-established pattern. While I reserve the right to WRITE one of those at some point, if that's what you are looking for, you should read the sample before purchasing this book. It's different from those. I hope you enjoy it.
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