juggle? Ride a bike with no hands? Drink beer upside down? Something unusual… GO!
1. I can play the guitar, not like something romantic, but really heavy metal that gives most people a splitting headache.
2. I know I’ll have some good luck if a black cat crosses my path. In my country they are always considered bad luck, but I see them in a different way.
3. Even though my favorite number is 7, I cannot help admitting
13 brings me luck. I once purchased a lottery ticket that had 13 as a serial number, and the lottery took place on the 13th. To my surprise, I got back the money I spent on the ticket, and I never win anything.
4. I used to collect English dictionaries – glossaries, thesauruses, grammar reference books. That was the first thing I looked for in a book store.
5. I love sitcoms like The Big Bang Theory, Friends and some others. I can watch them over and over again, just can’t help myself.
Five facts about your newest book that people won’t know. Some background history on one of your characters maybe? Maybe it was going to be called something completely different to start out with? Is it the same genre it started out as?...
1. The Beholder started as a completely different book, and I had only one character when I started writing it. It was a while later that the other characters appeared.
2. I added romance into the book though initially I wasn’t going to.
3. It often seems to me the book wrote itself—even in the first draft I found places I liked, but never remembered writing about. I don’t know if that happens to all writers or just me, but it’s a fascinating feeling.
4. I had a different ending to the book. It made my beta readers and editor so confused they kept asking to explain what was really going on in there. I eventually had to make a different ending, which most readers really like and find unexpected.
5. It took me about 3 years to finish this book—I really hope it will take less time for me to write the next one.
Five facts about your next book… Name, genre, expected date of release…
1. It’s called Path of the Heretic. It’s Book 2 of The Beholder Series.
2. It’s still Urban/Paranormal Fantasy, but with a darker tinge.
3. I hope it will be published in 2014.
4. There will be more characters, more action, and more mysteries.
5. I’m planning a huge surprise at the end of the book.
Three tips that you think might be useful for other authors… anything you want. It could be, to write a certain amount every day, only write after midnight and never get Gizmo wet (Sorry, that’s Gremlins not writers! My bad.) Maybe it’s some information that was given to you that has helped your process…
1. My first tip: Don’t stop writing. Once you do it’s really—nearly impossible—to get back to it. You’ll find too many reasons not to sit at your desk and go on writing a book.
2. Not to be tempted to do anything else, switch off your Internet. Just for half an hour a day—it’ll tremendously increase your chances to write something new or revise something old (at least that worked for me).
3. If you don’t have an editor, find a few friends who will care enough to read your book and offer you their sincere thoughts. I know it’s difficult, but you should try. And it would be cool if your friends were harsh in their critique, because that’s what actually helps a writer make his or her
book better. As my fellow writer said, “Wouldn’t you rather get harsh private crit than a scathing one-star review on Amazon?” I hope that’ll help.
For an Urban Fantasy Thriller you won't be able to put down until the final page follow the link below to The Beholder on Amazon.com!
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