Five facts about you that people won’t know about you. Can you juggle? Ride a bike with no hands? Drink beer upside down? Something unusual… GO!
Well, most of the unusual things about me are the reason people who know me, know me!
1. I Have amazing recall for names and places.
2. I can find someone I know everywhere I go. (Seriously) Airports, other states, Disney world...
3. I was a DJ in college, also technician for college basketball broadcasts at Rutgers
4. If you tell me something can't be done, I will go to great lengths to prove it can.
5. I can jump rope pretty darned good!
Five facts about your newest book that people won’t know. Some background history on one of your characters maybe? Maybe it was going to be called something completely different to start out with? Is it the same genre it started out as?...
1. Nick's early chapters are based on my son Who was almost 9 when I started writing it - not the character himself, but his speech patterns.
2. The Wishing place itself is based on a recurring dream I had when I was a child.
3. My favorite character was Levi Bonham.
4. Apache Velasquez got his name from an email I was copied on at work.
5. The sequel to The Wishing Place, called: The White Room is about Nick and Valerie's children.
Five facts about your next book… Name, genre, expected date of release…
1. The novella prequel to Glory, called: The Messenger, is going to be available for free download this month!
2. I am a mythology lover, so there are a lot of references to various myths and folk lore in my books.
3. The flashback to Bethany is based very loosely on the Gospel, supposedly written by Judas.
4. In Glory, the house Dominic lives in is a real house, one town away from my home town.
5. In Glory, every name Sammael uses has meaning to him. Arrio Dominic Thanos roughly means warlike prince of death.
Three tips that you think might be useful for other authors… anything you want. It could be, to write a certain amount every day, only write after midnight and never get Gizmo wet (Sorry, that’s Gremlins not writers! My bad.) Maybe it’s some information that was given to you that has helped your process…
1. Write about things you are interested in. Doing the research helps ward off writers block.
2. Jump around in the story as you write it. If you have a great idea for a later chapter, draft it! If you wait until you get to that point, you're likely to forget the ideas, but if you write them when you have them, you can build the story up to that event.
3. Do your homework. Small details draw the reader into the story.
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The Wishing Place
Valerie Porter was a lonely little girl. Her world fell apart when Granny passed away and her parents troubled marriage ended in a bitter divorce. Her only solace lay in Granny's fairy tales and the secret Granny had shared with her alone - the secret of the Wishing Place.
Granny said what The Wishing Place showed was real and would happen. She promised Valerie that there was true love out in the world meant for her. But a promise wasn't much to hold on to when Valerie became an unwelcome stepchild.
One night, Valerie asked The Wishing Place to show her something special - something really important. What she got was an eight-year-old boy named Nickolas Rossi who was everything she could want in a friend. But was he just a dream or could he fulfill Granny's promise and make happily ever after a reality?