Hometown: New Mexico, USA
Biography: Claire Stibbe was born in London, United Kingdom. She is the daughter of P.G. Stibbe, Author of Return Via Rangoon, and twin sister of Mark
Stibbe, best-selling author of over thirty books.
Inspired by her father who read The Lord of the Rings aloud to his children at bedtime, Claire began to write stories as early as age nine. A traveler by nature, she has visited numerous countries including Egypt and the Holy Land and has lived in Cyprus, Hong Kong and the United States. Her love of archaeology and ancient cultures has motivated her to write historical fiction and comedy amongst other genres. Her books are rich in history with compelling characters that both entertain and challenge readers.
She now lives in New Mexico, USA with her husband and son.
Favorite Things
Favorite Books: The Snowgoose, The Bible, Far From the Madding Crowd
Favorite Desert: Summer Pudding
Favorite Place to Write: Where there’s a view
Favorite Drink: Coffee
Favorite Places: Egypt, Cyprus, England, Scotland, New Mexico
"Writing requires discipline, detailed thinking, good communication skills, a plan of action, clear vision, and a passion for people. A good book should give the reader someone to root for, every sentence must describe a character or advance the plot, every character should want something no matter how small, leading characters should be brutally challenged so the reader can see what they are made of. And lastly, have fun writing." - CMT Stibbe