For a delve into what Constant brings to BHB, take a look at her two published books, Dead Trees and DRAG.N, below. I promise you, you're going to be glad you did!

Elise Swanson is trying to give her daughters a decent childhood. This should be a simple task, but the invading undergrounders – subterranean humanoids that have existed since the dawn of mankind – make outdoor playtime a tad tricky.
After fleeing Georgia and surviving six months of bumbling self-sufficiency, Elise and her daughters meet Jason. He's tough and nature-savvy. Pit stop fights with beasties define the survival-road that the four companions navigate. The bloody pavement finally ends in Washington State at a government safe zone where the trekkers hope to build a stationary life.
A little rest and rehab would be nice, but Elise is quickly led down a path of research and deception where humanity's future isn't a priority. She becomes leader of a secret plan and long nights in the lab keep her busy. She strives to destroy the undergrounders and the life of an underhuman crossbreed hangs in the balance.
Haphazardly conceived and manufactured, the H2H (Humanoid-to-Human) chromosome-targeting nanotech has a small probability of success, but Elise has to believe it will work. Hour by hour, she becomes less confident and more emotionally compromised by the rapidly growing, stunning underhuman. Her maternal nature leads to a late-night escapade resulting in a platinum-haired, third daughter and a million uncertainties.
Fleeing her home, Elise had two loved ones to shelter. That number has risen. When the not-so-safe zone is invaded by beasties, she will save her family... no matter the consequences.
DEAD TREES is a 111k word, mature-reader Dystopian that weaves horror, levity, and science. Underneath the layers of storyline, a simple core exists – the limitless distance a mother will go to protect her children, both physically and mentally.
Reader Comments:
"I must congratulate you on what looks to be a well crafted story. Well written, too. You have obviously put a lot of thought and effort into your writing and it shows." -John P.
"What a nice change from zombies, vampires, trolls, aliens and giant earthworms. Quadruped humanoids who eat their dead are certainly monstrous enough to qualify for the role of abomination bent on killing off humankind. Your protagonist, Elise, using the first person POV makes the narrative introspective and immediate- a sympathetic character worth cheering on from one impossible situtation to the next. The dialogue is to the point, even raw at times, but always true to character. Thank you so much for the intriguing read." -Ken E.L.
To unearth this well written dystopian Sci-Fi read, follow the link below to Amazon.com!

The DRAG.N units were invented to support the marriage of the Universal Health Initiative (UHI) and Green Nation. Their purpose: mass airborne vaccinations to ensure health for all U.S. citizens. The illogically expensive vaccines serve another purpose though.
Laced with chemical agents, mescaline and fluoxetine, the vaccines have created a docile, drugged, and receptive American populace.
The anti-UHI activists are determined to takedown the DRAG.N and the corrupt healthcare system. Their planning has been meticulous, spanning nearly a year. Benton and Rachel Greer take the first steps towards raising the proverbial sword and slaying the DRAG.Ns. Will they succeed?
DRAG.N takes an imaginative look at the future of an America where human fundamental rights and freedom are an option rather than a guarantee. This novelette chronicles three days in the lives of researchers, activists, a deceptive Presidential Cabinet, and a First Lady with secrets of her own.
DRAG.N is a brief dystopian novelette, political semi-satire. Birthed during a whirlwind weekend competition, DRAG.N tells a year-long-story with a satisfying conclusion in the span of a few days. The two main themes are universally familiar: Truth will out and America should mean freedom. Without exception.
Reader Comment:
"This dystopian view of the world is harrowing and brilliant and impossible to put down. Smartly written and thought-provoking, it provides insight into how easily ethics can be compromised for personal gain making this seemingly far-fetched idea actually conceivable. The plot unfolds at a pace that keeps you hooked (though it does leave you wanting more). A must-read for anyone who likes smart, timely fiction with an Orwellian tint." - DasFrau, Amazon
To get a breath of this infectious dystopian Sci-Fi read, follow the link below to Amazon.com!