Lazarus has always fascinated me. Here in the Bible we have the miracle of Jesus bringing him back from the grave, but the question I always had was what was his life after being brought back like? There is little known, and so I was driven to take what we do know from various sources and write a possibility for the days beyond when Jesus brought him back. To us it is such a beautiful miracle, but I approached Lazarus as a man who feels lost and uncertain after returning to the living, especially after Jesus' crucifixion. I approached him as a person like the rest of us, who in that deep moment of darkness, turns to God
to heal him and show him his path.
2. How did you come up with the names of your characters?
Most names have been taken directly from the Bible, but for those names of created characters I just jotted down names until I had one with the right fit.
3. Other than writing what else do you like to do?
Sing, I love to sing, and I love to help others in any way I can. And my family is my world.
4. Are you inspired by people you know for your stories?
I am inspired by the love others show me and by God. I find that if I follow God's direction and let him lead my pen, then my writing will follow the path it was meant to follow. I pray a lot, no matter what I am writing.
5. What message were you trying to impart to the reader?
When you feel the darkness the greatest, that is when God is strongest by your side. The
characters in the Bible were just like us. They felt pain, doubt and despair. We are all 'Man'. Turn to God and he will cherish and guide you.
6. Who is your favorite Author?
Tad Williams, he writes Fantasy and I am a huge fantasy fan.
7. What is your favorite book?
The Dragon Bone Chair by Tad Williams
8. How old were you when you started writing?
It all began as a youth, around 10, when I wrote tales to go with the computer game Oregon Trail, creating stories to go with Jimmie getting typhoid or Susie getting small pox.
9. Are you planning on writing more books?
I have 4 planned now. They may never stop. I am currently writing a Sci-Fi novel titled Bishop. Then I'll be writing 'The Book of Esther' done much in the style of Lazarus, Man. I'll also eventually be tackling sequels to Hearts of Avon and The Ark of Humanity.
10. When readers criticize your book does it give you pause about writing again or are you encouraged?
As writers we must have tough shells. Someone people will always criticize. Some criticism should be taken to heart and put in place to better our current and future works, and other criticism is not valuable and is not worth worrying about at all. A writer has writing in their blood. I will never stop writing. I just don't have that in my blood.
11. What advice would you give those trying to write a book?
Write it now. Begin tonight. I write one single spaced page per day. You'd be surprised how fast that adds up and how much it will mean to you once you've finished your first book. And I just can't tell you how much my readers' reviews have meant to me. Begin your book now. There is no day like today.
To view Lazarus, Man or another of Scott J. Toney's works visit the site link below.
Scott J. Toney, Amazon.com